areas of application
Diverse application areas for POWERSTEAM
Efficient, chemical-free and sustainable cleaning for a wide range of industries.
Medicine & Nursing
- hospitals & doctor's offices
- nursing homes & senior residences
- dental practices & laboratories
- animal clinics & veterinary practices
gastronomy & hotel industry
- Restaurants & Hotels
- large kitchens & canteens
- bakeries & butcher shops
- bars & cafes
Industry & Production
- food industry
- automotive industry
- Mechanical Engineering & Metalworking
- Pharma & Chemistry
Transport & Logistics
- train & public transport
- Airports & Airlines
- freight forwarders & truck fleets
- cruise ships & shipping companies
Commercial cleaning
- building cleaning
- fitness studios
- hairdressing and cosmetic studios
- residential complexes & property management companies
private households
- families with small children
- pet owners
- allergy-suffering households
- luxury & rental apartments